Sunday Song-Blogging:2-1 special!
I feel like doing two songs today. Both are steller songs..I don't feel like trashing anything today. Both are live performances of songs you've probably never heard of before. And away we gooooo.
Utada Hikaru--Simple and Clearn (Accoustic-Live)
The song itself, as far as I know what written specifically for a game (Kingdom Hearts), and this is an accoustic live version of it.
Sound: The sounds is great. The singing in it is very unsteady..but that just adds to the power of the song. About halfway through the song, a piano starts in as well, and a bit later goes from being a small artifact to really building up the song. But this song isn't about the sound.
Lyrics:I love the lyrics of this song. I always have, and I always will. They're both brilliant and beautiful.
"The daily this and that and what is what...that keep us all busy...are confusing me...that's when you came to me...
And said..wish I could prove I love you..but that does that mean I have to walk on water..when we are older you'll understand it's enough when I say so..and maybe somethings are that simple"
"Hold me..whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later one..regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all.
Nothing's like before"
I love that.
This song, in any form, original pop, techno remixes or accoustic, gets a 10/10 in my book.
Song #2!
James--Five-O (Live performance from the BBC)
A couple of things here. The BBC has great live performances. Simple as that. I have a bunch of them. They're great. Very clean sound and the passion of a live performance.
Sound:This is a great sounding song. It starts off very light and simple, with a driving drum rattle and background sounds. But as the song goes on, it really builds up, including the singing. After a synth solo, the song almost restarts the lyrics from the beginning of the main part. That said..the rythem of the lines is very hypnotizing as it is...
Lyrics:Here's how the lyrics of the main part of the song go...
"Will we grow together...will it be a lie...
If it lasts forever..hope I'm the first to die..
Will you marry me...can we meet the cost...
Is the power of love...worth the pain of loss..
Can you pay the bill...will you keep the change...
Are you here for the party..or are you here for the play..."
That last line there. I never quite got that until a few weeks ago. My absolute all-time favorite show on TV is House. (Someday I'll have to write something on the morals and values of THAT show. Now that's interesting). One episode..actually the greatest episode of any TV show of all be honest, titles Three Stories. Well, Dr. House is giving a lecture to med students. And one asks him if he believes in heaven. His response is something to the effect of "I like to believe that life is more than just a test".
On the way home from my wife's surgery (everything went great!), we were listening to music and discussing that. Then all of a sudden, that line came on, and I realized what it is. In theatre terms, after the first night show, there's always a party. (Or last night show, for that matter). Your life is the play. The afterlife is the party. Are you here for the party, or are you here for the play?
That's the question. Personally, I'm here for the play. Thank you very much.
Is this looking too deep into the lyrics? Ah..this is where the context of albums comes into play. This song comes from an album called Laid. (One of the greatest albums of all time IMO.) Other songs on this album:
One of the Three:A lament for Jesus basically stating that the world would have been better off without his sacrifice.
P.S.:About those "liars" condemning people to fire and brimstone.
In any case, the combination of philosophy and pure love make Five-O just amazing. And the term Five-O? It refers to leaving. In this case...
"Will we grow together..will it be a lie..
If it lasts forever..I hope I'm the first to die.."
I feel like doing two songs today. Both are steller songs..I don't feel like trashing anything today. Both are live performances of songs you've probably never heard of before. And away we gooooo.
Utada Hikaru--Simple and Clearn (Accoustic-Live)
The song itself, as far as I know what written specifically for a game (Kingdom Hearts), and this is an accoustic live version of it.
Sound: The sounds is great. The singing in it is very unsteady..but that just adds to the power of the song. About halfway through the song, a piano starts in as well, and a bit later goes from being a small artifact to really building up the song. But this song isn't about the sound.
Lyrics:I love the lyrics of this song. I always have, and I always will. They're both brilliant and beautiful.
"The daily this and that and what is what...that keep us all busy...are confusing me...that's when you came to me...
And said..wish I could prove I love you..but that does that mean I have to walk on water..when we are older you'll understand it's enough when I say so..and maybe somethings are that simple"
"Hold me..whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later one..regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all.
Nothing's like before"
I love that.
This song, in any form, original pop, techno remixes or accoustic, gets a 10/10 in my book.
Song #2!
James--Five-O (Live performance from the BBC)
A couple of things here. The BBC has great live performances. Simple as that. I have a bunch of them. They're great. Very clean sound and the passion of a live performance.
Sound:This is a great sounding song. It starts off very light and simple, with a driving drum rattle and background sounds. But as the song goes on, it really builds up, including the singing. After a synth solo, the song almost restarts the lyrics from the beginning of the main part. That said..the rythem of the lines is very hypnotizing as it is...
Lyrics:Here's how the lyrics of the main part of the song go...
"Will we grow together...will it be a lie...
If it lasts forever..hope I'm the first to die..
Will you marry me...can we meet the cost...
Is the power of love...worth the pain of loss..
Can you pay the bill...will you keep the change...
Are you here for the party..or are you here for the play..."
That last line there. I never quite got that until a few weeks ago. My absolute all-time favorite show on TV is House. (Someday I'll have to write something on the morals and values of THAT show. Now that's interesting). One episode..actually the greatest episode of any TV show of all be honest, titles Three Stories. Well, Dr. House is giving a lecture to med students. And one asks him if he believes in heaven. His response is something to the effect of "I like to believe that life is more than just a test".
On the way home from my wife's surgery (everything went great!), we were listening to music and discussing that. Then all of a sudden, that line came on, and I realized what it is. In theatre terms, after the first night show, there's always a party. (Or last night show, for that matter). Your life is the play. The afterlife is the party. Are you here for the party, or are you here for the play?
That's the question. Personally, I'm here for the play. Thank you very much.
Is this looking too deep into the lyrics? Ah..this is where the context of albums comes into play. This song comes from an album called Laid. (One of the greatest albums of all time IMO.) Other songs on this album:
One of the Three:A lament for Jesus basically stating that the world would have been better off without his sacrifice.
P.S.:About those "liars" condemning people to fire and brimstone.
In any case, the combination of philosophy and pure love make Five-O just amazing. And the term Five-O? It refers to leaving. In this case...
"Will we grow together..will it be a lie..
If it lasts forever..I hope I'm the first to die.."
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